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Staff Directory

Barkley, Selena 1st Grade Teacher [email protected]
Black, Dr. Ann Valorous Academy Founder; Principal; Family Pastor [email protected]
Black, Kelsey Administrative Assistant; Yearbook [email protected]
Brazell, Brooklynn Secondary Bible and Leadership Teacher; After School Coordinator [email protected]
Browning, Tiffany PE Coach; Cheerleading Head Coach; Volleyball Assistant Coach [email protected]
Buckley, Rachel Assistant Principal; Counselor; Dual Enrollment [email protected]
Cartrette, Elizabeth 6th Grade ELA, History and Math [email protected]
Cline, Pam 2nd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Drennan, Reba 3rd Grade Teacher [email protected]
Floyd, Dianna Secondary Math Teacher [email protected]
Huggins, Amanda Resource Teacher [email protected]
Hunt, Amy Spanish Teacher [email protected]
Isernia, Michelle Office Coordinator [email protected]
Jones, Johanna Secondary English Teacher [email protected]
Kilpatrick, Dr. Brie Secondary Science Teacher [email protected]
McCutcheon, Sierra Kindergarten Teacher [email protected]
McMillion, Chelsea Art Teacher [email protected]
McQuire, Gabrielle 4K Lead Teacher [email protected]
Miller, Linda Kindergarten Teacher; Before School Care Coordinator [email protected]
Millspaugh, Nathan History Teacher [email protected]
Parnell, Sydney Intern
Patrick, Amber 4th Grade Teacher; S.O.A.R Class Teacher [email protected]
Riker, Christie Music; Theater; Drama Club [email protected]
Schaefer, Debbie 4K Lead Teacher [email protected]
Sigafoos, Savannah 5th Grade Teacher; Athletic Director; Head Volleyball Coach [email protected]
Strike, Jessica Inspire Teacher [email protected]
Thompson, Michelle 4K Assistant Teacher [email protected]
Vassey, ToniAnn 4K Instructional Assistant [email protected]
Warner, Roxanne Assistant Teacher [email protected]
Watson, Ashleigh Title 1 Teacher [email protected]